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 Updated Combat Resurrection Design

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 201
Alter : 43
Ort : Dortmund
Anmeldedatum : 31.08.08

Updated Combat Resurrection Design Empty
BeitragThema: Updated Combat Resurrection Design   Updated Combat Resurrection Design Icon_minitimeFr 05 Nov 2010, 15:01

Updated Combat Resurrection Design
Originally Posted by Zarhym
The design for combat resurrection effects has changed a good deal for Cataclysm, and we want to make sure players are clear on how spells like Rebirth and Create Soulstone now function. Rebirth has a 10-minute cooldown and Create Soulstone has a 15-minute cooldown. On raid boss encounters, you can only use one of these combat resurrection spells (so one Rebirth or one Soulstone) per attempt for 10-player raids. For 25-player raids you can use three forms of combat resurrection per raid boss attempt (so three of any combination of Rebirth and Soulstone). The count is incremented as soon as a player accepts a resurrection, so one can always choose not to accept if he or she wants someone else to get the resurrection instead. There is no equivalent of the Sated debuff (which tracks Bloodlust/Heroism usage), but you will get an error message if you try to resurrect too many players, and we might add tracking to our raid interface if there is demand for it. Outside of raid content, you can use as many battle resurrections as you have available.

For those of you currently participating in the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm beta test, please note that this functionality may not be fully implemented as of yet. If you notice combat resurrections are not currently functioning as explained here, this is just a heads-up about the updated design intent behind them.

Unless Soulstone is being changed, why does the harder to use combat rez (that being Soulstone, since you have to predict ahead of time who to Soulstone) have the longer cooldown?
One thing we're considering with Soulstone is making it possible, in addition to its current functionality, to be cast on a dead player to give them the option of joining the living again.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 113
Alter : 40
Anmeldedatum : 20.09.10

Updated Combat Resurrection Design Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Updated Combat Resurrection Design   Updated Combat Resurrection Design Icon_minitimeFr 05 Nov 2010, 15:12

Dass man nur noch einen CR benutzen kann, haben wir ja im 10er schon bemerkt, ich find's nur 'n bissl blöd, weil der ICC content nicht drauf ausgelegt ist, dass DDs einfach nicht sterben. Naja. Aber wenn sie sich wirklich entscheiden sollten, dass der SS vom Hexer auch ein CR wird, fänd ich das gut Smile
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